| Vileda Universal | | Universālie cimdi ( pretalerģiski).
Plāni un komfortabli nitrila cimdi. Tie neizraisa alerģiju un var tikt izmantoti arī vienreizējai lietošanai. Salīdzinot ar citu veidu līdzīgiem vienreizlietojamiem cimdiem, tie trīs reizes labāk veic aizsargfunkciju pret mehāniskiem bojājumiem un tiem piemīt augstas pretesības spējas pret ķīmiskiem līdzekļiem.
| | 100801 | izmers "M" | pāris | 3.23 | | 100802 | izmers "L" | pāris | 3.23 | | 100800 | izmers "S" | pāris | 3.23 | |
| Vileda Contract | | 100% dabīgā lateksa cimdi. Tie ir izgatavoti no dabīgā lateksa ar speciālu iekšējo apdari, kas lieliski nodrošina piecas reizes lielāku roku aizsardzību pret taukiem, augu eļļām un ķīmiskajiem mazgāšanas līdzekļiem. Cimdu Iekšējā apdare veidota no kokvilnas, kas darba laikā saglabā komforta sajūtu.
Materiāls: dabīgais kaučuks.
| | 101018 | izmers "L" | pāris | 0.88 | | 101017 | izmers "M" | pāris | 0.88 | | 101016 | izmers "S" | pāris | 0.88 | |
| Cimdi Gumijas | |
| | 18040427 | izmers "M" | pāris | 1.43 | | 18040428 | izmers "L" | pāris | 1.46 | | 18040429 | izmers "S" | pāris | 0.88 | |
| Berica Sensichlor Latex Powder Free | | Disposable latex non-sterile examination glove, powder-free double graduated “on-line" internal/external chlorination process. Natural color. Ambidextrous with tear-proof wrist. Micro-textured outer surface adapted to increase the gripping ability and adherence while allowing maximumtactile sensitivity.
Applications: Examination, diagnostics and lab work, aesthetics, collective cleaning and hygiene, preparation of pharmaceuticals and cosmetics, hobbying, cures and treatment for hair, graphic arts.
| | 39921 | izmers "M" | 100 gab | 6.60 | |
| Berica Sensinitryl Powder Free | | Single-use, unsterilized nitrile glove. Ambidextrous with tear-proof wrist. Powderfree. Light blue color. Micro-textured surface that ensures the utmost sensitivity and outstanding grip. Latex-free, protects from allergic reactions to natural rubber latex. Resistant oil and grease in general, petrol, fuel and to several plasticizing products and alcohol and cheton-based solvents. Highly ergonomic to allow prolonged use without fatigue.
Applications: Examination, exploration, therapy, diagnostics. Research labs, chemical and pharmaceutical industries.
| | 39971P | izmers "L" | 100 gab | 6.35 | | 39970P | izmers "M" | 100 gab | 6.00 | |
| Berica Skin Prima | | Multi-purpose household gloves in natural rubber latex, anatomically shaped (left and right gloves). Yellow colour, with cotton flock lining and anti-bacterial treatment. Patterned grip on palm and fingers to prevent slipping. Excellent elasticity.
Applications: Regular use at home and janitorial areas, food handling, industrial cleaning and sanitizing.
| | GU226L | izmers "L" | pāris | 0.76 | | GU226M | izmers "M" | pāris | 0.76 | |
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